
On May 2-8, Volgograd hosted the V Anniversary International Conference “Current Trends in Education Development: Best Russian and Foreign Practices (EduVolgaForum)”. For the second year in a row KNRTU acts as an organizer of this event together with Lobachevsky University, Volgograd State Technical University, as well as universities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China.

The conference was attended by more than 200 lecturers from leading universities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - leaders in the development of international academic cooperation and enhancement the competitiveness of higher education. The conference was held in a mixed format with the possibility of both face-to-face and remote participation.

The opening of the conference was held on May 2 at the Volgograd State Technical University. In her welcoming speech Dilbar Sultanova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KNRTU, wished the conference participants productive work, creation of new joint projects, grant applications, study and adaptation of successful experience of colleagues in their universities and publication of interesting articles.

On May 2, lecturers of KNRTU made reports at the meetings of online sections "Practice of involving students in research activities: problems and directions of their solution", "Innovations in legal education", "Modern trends in philological science and education", "Interdisciplinarity as a vector of modernity: education, research and innovation", "Modern approaches to human resource management".

The plenary reports from May 3 to 7 were delivered by Dilbar Sultanova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KNRTU, on the topic "Development of partnership projects with industrial partners in the context of improving the quality of education", as well as by Julia Ziyatdinova, Director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education ("Development of partnership projects with industrial partners in the context of improving the quality of education"). Artem Bezrukov, Associate Professor of the Physical and Colloid Chemistry Department, made a report on "Experience in developing online courses for international educational programs", in which he shared with the audience about the experience of grant support of the Physical and Colloid Chemistry Department by the Potanin Foundation.

Based on the results of the conference, articles will be published in the journals "Vestnik of Lobachevsky University and the scientific journal of Volgograd State Technical University "PRIMO ASPECTU". Joint applications for various grant competitions, including the Potanin Foundation's "Institutional Experience" are also planned. In addition, negotiations with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after Boris Yeltsin Natalia Brovko in the field of joint implementation of educational programs with the Kyrgyz branch of KNRTU proved to be effective.

