«Respect is the main aspect of conducting business internationally»: CEO of TalentEx (Japan) had a meeting with KNRTU students


On April 8, 2019, TalentEx CEO Yojiro Koshi met with students of the Institute for Management, Automation and Information Technologies of KNRTU.

Yojiro Koshi told students about the skills they need to do international business. Special attention was paid to the understanding of cultural aspects when communicating with representatives of different countries, features of the communication process, as well as differences in contextual perception.

Yojiro Koshi also introduced TalentEx, a company specializing in the employment of professionals in the field of information technology in the US and Southeast Asia companies. It was noted that in the Republic of Tatarstan, support for innovative development occurs at the government level. This was one of the reasons why Yojiro Koshi opened the TalentEx office in our city.

In addition, students had the opportunity to learn about internship opportunities in companies in the US and Southeast Asia, as well as what skills are required to go abroad for a work or internship.

Источник: KNRTU NEWS

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