KNRTU Organized an Online Working Meeting with EKTU Named After D. Serikbayev (Kazakhstan)


On December 14, an online conference with East Kazakhstan technical university was held. At the beginning of the meeting Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Alexey Burmistrov greeted and thanked Kazakhstan colleagues for their participation. EKTU was represented by First Vice-rector of EKTU named after D. Serikbayev Saule Rakhmetullina, Vice-Rector for research and digitalization Natalia Denisova, Director of international educational programs center Tamara Segeda and their colleagues.

Our partners expressed their gratitude for organizing an online working meeting and invited KNRTU to participate in the conference on Materials Science and Engineering, which is to be held in February 2021. Vice Rector for Research Alexander Kopylov proposed various promising areas of scientific cooperation for consideration. Mansur Galikhanov, Director of KNRTU Additional Professional Education Institute put forward an initiative of organizing continuing education courses in the field of engineering pedagogy including courses based on IGIP program

As a result of the meeting, the parties arrived at a decision on coordinating a range of scientific projects for joint work in the framework of the Consortium of Russian and Kazakhstan Technical Universities. Responsible for projects coordination are the First Vice-rector for research and digitalization Natalia Denisova on EKTU part and Head of KNRTU International Affairs Anna Ebel on the other part.

Источник: Управление международной деятельности

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