Стипендиальный Фонд Хайека для ученых (Hayek Fund for Scholars).


Организатор Институт исследований человека (США). Заявки принимаются постоянно.

The Hayek Fund for Scholars makes strategic awards of up to $1,000 to graduate students and untenured faculty members for career-enhancing activities such as:

  • Presentations at academic or professional conferences
  • Travel to academic job interviews (on campus or at professional/academic conferences)
  • Travel to and research at archives or libraries
  • Participation in career development or enhancing seminars
  • Distribution of a published article to colleagues in your field
  • Submission of unpublished manuscripts to journals or book publishers
  • Fund do not accept applications for attendance at a conference only.

Deadline: applications are accepted year-round, on a rolling basis.

Applicants will be notified of committee's decision within four to six weeks.

Website: www.theihs.org

Источник: Шведский центр КГТУ
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