Student Seminars within the Course on Innovative Entrepreneurship Environment in European 3rd Generation Universities

A student innovative project focused on engineering of polymer layers for household applications.jpg



In November 2020, KNRTU Master’s students were involved in a series of lectures and workshops that provided them with a vibrant introduction into entrepreneurship environment at European universities. The title of the course they are taught is “EU 3rd Generation Universities as an Integrated Innovative Environment for Young Future Makers”.

This course gathered young innovators who have a series of projects in mind for potential commercialization and added value benefits. Introduction of best entrepreneurship and commercialization practices from European universities was an impactful and motivating experience for these students. They have also learnt more about transformation of European universities into centers of research commercialization and how students can benefit from being a part of this innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem.

A series of lectures was followed by seminars where the students reshaped their ideas and projects according to new knowledge that they acquired from introduction to the innovative management workflow at EU universities. On a photo you can see a student team who presented a simple and eco-friendly solution for the design of foamed polymer layers for household applications. Although it was their previous project at the bachelor’s stage, the students were excited to re-analyse how this project could get additional benefits from the European university entrepreneurship perspective.

The lectures were given by Dr. Artem Bezrukov who also moderated the seminars.

Figure: A student innovative project focused on engineering of polymer layers for household applications

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

⚹This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

