University Today



1890 – Kazan Industrial College
1919 – Kazan Polytechnic Institute
1930 – Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology named after A.M. Butlerov
1935 – Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology named after S.M. Kirov
1980 – Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology named after S.M. Kirov was awarded the Red Banner of Labor
1992 – Kazan State Technological University (KSTU)
Since 2011-Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU)


KNRTU consists of:

  • Eight institutes of higher education programs (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Specialist);
  • Institute of Additional Professional Education;
  • Faculty of International Educational Programs;
  • Military Education Center;
  • Advanced Engineering School “Promkhimtech”.

Affiliates of KNRTU:

About us:

Kazan National Research Technological University (KNTRU) was established in 1890 as Kazan Industrial College, a specialized educational institution aimed at training middle level employees for industrial sector. Chemistry and mechanics were the cornerstone fields of education, which have remained nowadays.

Highly established facilities and resources, qualified academic staff and comprehensive educational program aimed at forming fundamental and practical skills became the key factors of College development. The First Engineering University in Tatarstan, Kazan Polytechnic Institute, was established on the basis of the college in 1919. And, in 1930, Kazan Polytechnic Institute and Physics Department of Kazan University merged to form Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology. In 1970-1980, it became one of the four leading chemical and technological universities of the USSR. In 1992 it was transformed into Technological University (since 2011 — KNRTU).

KNRTU is striving to become the first Chemical Technological University in the field of chemical engineering and the center of modern engineering education, fundamental and applied sciences. The goal is to integrate with the representatives of a real economic sector, to be able to meet the needs of chemical industry and military-industrial complex.

KNRTU now is one of the leading Russian universities in training highly qualified engineering staff and conducting scientific research in the field of oil and gas chemistry, polymer chemistry, special chemistry. It occupies a strong position in the field of mechanical engineering, nano- and biotechnology, IT, industrial automation, light and food industry, industrial economics, and etc. More than 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students from Russia and abroad study at the University (more than 2 000 are foreign citizens).

KNRTU is included in Times Higher Education World University Ranking (27th position out of 103 Russian universities included in the ranking), QS World University Rankings 2024 (32th position out of 47 Russian universities), Round University Ranking (66th position out of 131). In Moscow International University Ranking (MosIUR) The Three University Missions (2024) KNRTU is 2nd out of 7 Russian universities in the field of Light Iindustry Technology, 5th out of 20 in Chemical Engineering, 11th out of 20 in Oil and Gas Business, 8th out of 20 in Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

KNRTU Soyuzkhimpromproekt Design Institute is actively working with Russian and international customers. It conducts expert examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, develops project documentation and performs the functions of a general designer.

Key industrial partners of KNRTU include Gazprom, SIBUR, Ammoni, IT-companies RTsim and Systemnye Resheniya.

The University participates in the federal project “Priority-2030” and “Advanced Engineering Schools”. Within program “Priority-2030” the university implements two strategic projects: “Ensuring Defense and Security of the Russian Economy” and “Strategic Polymers”. Advanced Engineering School “Promkhimtech” specializes in developing industrial chemical technologies, ensuring the sustainability of partner companies' technological chains dependent from low-tonnage chemistry products, creating new and upgrading existing high-tech chemical companies.

Research work of the university is represented by the recognized research schools, developing 15 main scientific directions, which reflect the major directions of development in science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation. The history of science at KNRTU is linked to the history of the world-famous Kazan Chemical School, founded in 1830 by Karl Claus and N. Zinin. A.E. Arbuzov, B.A.Arbuzov, Professor G. Kh. Kamai, P.A. Kirpichnikov, V.S. Abramov, A.D. Nikolaeva, outstanding mathematicians Kh. M. Mushtari, I.D. Ado and other chemists, chemical engineers and academicians worked in Kazan Chemical School. Long lasting traditions and history of science and engineering are preserved by research divisions and departments at KNRTU.

KNRTU is proud of its alumnus. A lot of prominent people are among them: corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences P. A. Kirpichnikov, I.V. Torgov, S.R. Rafikov, B.M. Mikhaylov, Laureates of Lenin and national Award of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, the USSR Council of Ministers Prize S.G.Bogatyrev, A.D. Nikolaeva, S. N. Kosolapov, A.I.Sidorov, Kh. E. Kharlampidi, V.F.Sopin, A.F. Makhotkin, and etc. Many outstanding researchers have left their mark in the history of KNRTU. A lot of outstanding researchers actively participate in promoting prestige of the existing scientific schools and assist in the development the new ones.

International partnership

KNRTU is developing various international activities. Great attention is paid to the development of cooperation with international organizations. KNRTU is a member of the following international associations:

- Eurasian Pacific Association of Universities (UNINET);

- European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTNA);

- Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU);

- Center for Innovation and Technology of North Rhine-Westphalia (ZENIT);

- Consortium of Technical Education of Russia and Kazakhstan (KTORK);

- CIS Network University Consortium.

Kazan National Research Technological University international partnership network comprises 66 universities, research and business organizations from 18 countries. such as Armenia, Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Turkiye and others.

KNRTU in the ratings

See the information about the current position of the University in ratings here.

* University Presentation

