The Course on Cultural Dimensions of EU Sustainable Development Started



On February, 10, 2022, the first seminar in the course “Cultural Dimensions of EU Sustainable Development” was given for BEng students by Dr. Julia Ziyatdinova, Chair for the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication. The first seminar focused on the general information about the history of the European Union, its United in Diversity slogan, EU countries, their capitals and flags, population, and languages spoken.

For the next class, students prepared reports to share interesting facts about EU capitals, and in class, students presented their reports to their peers, using Google maps and VR to visit different EU capitals, including Amsterdam, Lisbon, Paris and Prague.

This course is a part of “Foreign Language (English)” discipline given in two languages, English and Russian. During the semester, the course will cover the topics:
1. EU Cultural Identity and Values
2. Diversity and Unity in the EU
3. EU Sustainability Values and Healthy Lifestyles
4. Integration of Cultural Policies into EU National Sustainable Development Initiatives
5. Role of Culture in the EU Education
6. Textiles in Cultural and Creative Industries of EU

⚹Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

⚹При финансовой поддержке Европейского Союза. Публикация содержит взгляды и мнения автора(ов) и не обязательно отражает таковые Евроепейского Союза. Европейский Союз или грантодатель не могут быть привлечены к ответственности за них.

