Name of the scientific field Priority direction of development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation Departments Dissertation Councils
1 High-performance energy-saturated materials, chemical physics of their conversions, innovative manufacturing technologies and their use in defense and civilian sectors of economy Security and counter-terrorism SCST (SOLID CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES TECHNOLOGY): CTORNC (CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF ORGANIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS), PCM (PYROTECHNIC AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS), CTHMWC (Chemistry and Technology of High Molecular Weight Compounds), ECP (Equipment for Chemical Plants), EE(Engineering Ecology), IS (Information security) D. special council; engineering sciences
2 Development of high-performance energy and resource-saving technologies and equipment for the construction industry and timber industry complex Energy efficiency, energy conservation, nuclear energy ADWP (Architecture and Design of Wood Products), WMP (Wood Materials Processing), ISME (Inorganic Substances and Materials Engineering), CTW (Chemical Technology of Wood), ECPT (ELASTOMERS CHEMISTRY AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY), TMSM (Teoretical Mechanics and Strenght of Materials) D 212.080.14 Engineering sciences
3 Chemical and technological processes under physical influences (supercritical fluids, electrochemistry, plasma chemistry, photochemistry, shock wave chemistry, ionizing radiation): multiscale description and practical applications Industry of Nanosystems TBTE (Theoretical Basis of Thermal Engineering), TET (Technology of Electrochemical Productions), (Plasma Technology and Nanotechnology of High Molecular Weight Materials), PTNHM (Plasma Technology and Nanotechnology of High Molecular Weight Materials), IO (Inorganic Chemistry), PCC (Physical and Colloid Chemistry), ACCQM (Analytical Chemistry, Certification and Quality Management) D 212.080.03
D 212.080.10
Chemical sciences, engineering sciences
4 Methodologies for optimal design based on conjugated physical and mathematical modeling, development of the new high-intensity mass-exchange and other equipment of the chemical complex » Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear power CPE (Chemical Process Engineering), MECI (Mechanical Engineering for Chemical Industry), ECP (Equipment for Chemical Plants), CMU (COMPRESSOR MACHINES AND UNITS), RERM (REFRIGERATION ENGINEERING AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY), VE (VACUUM ENGINEERING), ECGAD (ENGINEERING COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND AUTOMATED DESIGN), TEM (TECHNOLOGY OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS) D 212.080.11
D 212.080.15
Engineering sciences
5 Scientific basis of technologies for production and processing of oligomers, polymers, and composites within the framework of closed-loop economy Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear power SRT (SYNTHETIC RUBBER TECHNOLOGY), ECPT (ELASTOMERS CHEMISTRY AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY), PT (PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY), GAPT (GRAPHIC ARTS AND PHOTOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGY), PCMPT (POLYMERS AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY), TVPC (TECHNOLOGY OF VARNISHES AND PAINT COATINGS) D 212.080.01
Chemical sciences, engineering sciences
6 Scientific basis and technologies of complex development of hydrocarbon raw materials resources, development of new energy and resource saving technologies of oil and gas chemistry Environmental management GCT (General Chemical Technology), GOPST (GENERAL ORGANIC AND PETROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS TECHNOLOGY), CTPGP (CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY OF PETROLEUM AND GAS PROCESSING), HE (HEAT ENGINEERING) D 212.080.17
Chemical sciences, engineering sciences
7 Synthesis, structure and properties of polyfunctional organic compounds with a given structure as the basis of biologically active substances, materials and technologies of a new generation Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear power OC (Organic Chemistry), CTONC (CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF ORGANIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS), FB (FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY) D 212.080.07
Chemical sciences, technical sciences
8 Socio-Economic, political, and cultural Dimensions of Sustainable Development and National Security in Russia Safety and Anti-Terrorism BSMME (BUSINESS STATISTICS AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR ECONOMICS), LM (LOGISTICS AND MANAGEMENT); IEFM (INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FINANACIAL MANAGEMENT), ICT (Innovation in Chemical Technology) D 212.080.16
Economic sciences
9 Complex processing biotechnologies of feedstock of animal/plant origin and waste into competitive products for food, feed, medical and technical purposes Life sciences MDFT(Meats and Dairy Foods Technologies), CC (CHEMICAL CYBERNETICS), FB (FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY), FPE (FOOD PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT), FESE (FOOD ENGINEERING at SMALL ENTERPRISES), FPT (FOOD PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY) D. council on ecology and biotechnology, engineering sciences
10 Chemical and petrochemical production facilities industrial safety ensurance and environmental protection from anthropogenic impacts Sustainable utilization of natural resources IBT (INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY), IS (INDUSTRIAL SAFETY), CPE (Equipment for Chemical Plants), MECI (Mechanical Engineering for Chemical Industry), EE (Engineering ecology) D. Council on Ecology and Biotechnology, Engineering Sciences
11 System engineering methodology of optimal energy- and resource-saving chemical technologies at different stages of the life cycle Energy efficiency, energy conservation, nuclear power SE (System Engineering), ADAPS (AUTOMATED DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS), PAC (PROCESS AUTOMATION AND CONTROL), ITAM (Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics), LM (LOGISTICS AND MANAGEMENT), IS (INFORMATION SECURITY) D 212.080.15
D 212.080.13
Engineering sciences
12 Design and technology of obtaining multifunctional materials of consumer, medical industry and general purpose products Industry of Nanosystems CFD (Clothing and Footwear Design), ME (Medical Engineering), TCNFA (TECHNOLOGY OF CHEMICAL AND NATURAL FIBERS AND ARTICLES) D 212.080.09 Engineering Sciences
13 Scientific basis and psychological and pedagogical problems of innovative educational and research process in vocational education, including internationalization of education - SWPP (SOCIAL WORK, PEDAGOGICS AND PSYCHOLOGY), FLPC (FOREIGN LANGUAGES FOR PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION), BE (BILINGUAL EDUCATION), EM (Engineering Methodology), EPP (ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY), PES (PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS) D 212.080.04 Pedagogical sciences
14 Thermodynamics, Mechanism, and Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Homo- and Heterogeneous Systems Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving, Nuclear Power IC (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY), PCC (Physical and Colloid Chemistry), GCT (GENERAL CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY), TBTE (Theoretical Basis of Thermal Engineering), ACCQM (Analytical Chemistry, Certification and Quality Management), TET (Technology of Electrochemical Productions), ISME (Inorganic Substances and Materials Engineering), SRT (SYNTHETIC RUBBER TECHNOLOGY), ECPT (ELASTOMERS CHEMISTRY AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY), PT (PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY), Catalysis, TC (Technology in Cosmetics) D 212.080.03
D 212.080.07
D 212.080.10
D 212.080.17
Chemical sciences, engineering sciences
15 Molecular Engineering - Synthesis, Study of Properties, and Application of Smart Materials Industry of Nanosystems PCC (Physical and Colloid Chemistry), TC (Technology in Cosmetics) D 212.080.03
D 212.080.17
Chemical sciences, engineering sciences

