Psychological Basis for Teamwork and Self-Development


The course aims at providing you with an understanding of the psychological processes that influence professional interaction, preparing you to handle various challenges in intra-team communication. The course comprises the following sections: Business Communication, The Role of Personality in the Workplace, Professional Conflicts, Socio-Psychological Climate in the Workplace, etc. Practicums give experiences in reflection, self-assessment, self-control and self-management that help to maintain productive relationships with other team members, and achieve effective communication.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

1. Define appropriate methods for managing intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts;

2. Identify the psychological characteristics of employees (team members); the specifics of team members' communication and interaction, taking into account their psychological characteristics;

3. Apply the acquired knowledge to improve your own intellectual skills such as memory, attention and reflection;

4. Properly organize your own work process, taking into account your psychological characteristics;

5. Correctly assess the motives of behavior of group members

