
The latest issue of Inorganics, the journal of the highly authoritative international publisher MDPI (Multidicular Digital Publishing Institute), published an article entitled “Semi-Long-Periodical” Tabulated Version of Chemical Elements Periodic System by Oleg V. Mikhailov, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Quality Management.

The material is devoted to the review of a fundamentally new tabular version of the interpretation of Mendeleev's Periodic Law. In comparison with each of the two most common tabular versions, almost all of the currently known chemical elements (with the exception of the last two by number, Tennessine – Ts 117 and Oganesson – Og 118) are placed within the only three periods and sixteen groups. However, the numbering of the groups does not begin with I, as it is used to be in all the known versions of the Periodic Table, and not even with zero, but with (–I). Let us remind you that the short-periodic version is now used in Russia, while the long-periodic version is recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

The key feature of the new table is that it will contain an unknown to science category of chemical elements: g-elements, the first of which, according to the modern theory of atom structure, should have a nuclear charge Z=122.

“Two things led me to create a new tabular version of the Periodic System. First of all, each period in eighth group for some reason had not one, like all the others, but three or even four chemical elements. Second, it was confusing that between the first and second elements, hydrogen and helium, in both of them there were six empty slots, and it was unclear how they would be filled. Somehow, I’ve tried to solve these disadvantages, that’s how the idea of the creation of a new version of the table of chemical elements, which was different from the existing ones, was born. How well it turned out, judge for yourself.” – says Prof. Oleg V. Mikhailov.

Source: KNRTU
