
Recently, Ranis Galizyanov, a student of the Institute of Automated Control Systems and Information Technologies of KNRTU, launched a demo-version of the technological startup SpaceAl in the field of artificial intelligence.

Together with a team of like-minded people, 20-year-old Ranis created SpaceAl, an artificial intelligence product environment, a kind of Artificial Intelligence Marketplace. This is a platform on which AI solution providers place their products, and users or businesses can use them directly on the website. The project became a participant of the Federal Student Startup Program, and at the end of 2023 it won the competition "50 Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan".

Ranis and his team are currently in the MVP (minimum viable product) stage of development. The team has launched a demo version of the platform where they invite all users and AI enthusiasts to join the waiting list for product releases.

The platform is very helpful for students. There will be AI products for them to optimize the learning process, automate routine tasks, and help them learn new skills. On April 1, when AI products will already be available, those on the waiting list will receive a notification of the platform's launch.

“We expect about 3,000 users at the start. Further, we will build our audience through social media outreach,” explained Ranis.

Источник: KNRTU NEWS
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